
Jennifer Tazewell Mawby works with invented narrative cycles across drawing and painting, sculpture, and time-based media. Projects may continue for many years and be added upon in the way a writer or a filmmaker may release a sequel or a prequel to an original blockbuster. Within her story worlds. the character-driven and predominately figurative works are idiosyncratic and often humorous with the content composited from history, literature, mythology, and archeology. Formal references are equally stolen from science fiction and fantasy literature as from social media.

Mawby’s work has been exhibited in Canada, the U.S., Australia, and the U.K.  Her work has been included in recent publications such as Art Maze and the inaugural issue of Art in Square magazines. Jennifer is a director and a co-founder of Vantage Art Projects (Vancouver, BC) and a co-founder of P2P Curatorial

Jennifer holds an honours Masters of Fine Art jointly awarded by OCA and University for the Creative Arts (UCA) in the U.K. She received her BA Classical Studies from the University of British Columbia, completed the Management Skills for Advanced Technology (MSAT) program at Simon Fraser University, and the Fine Art Techniques Certificate at Emily Carr University of Art and Design (both in Vancouver).

She participated in the 2018-2020 Turps Banana correspondence painting program (London, UK), studied with The Royal Drawing School (London, UK), and The New Art School‘s global program (London, UK) with mentor Paul Becker. Jennifer is an enthusiastic member of the New York City Crit Club and is the James Bernard Haggarty 2023 scholarship awardee for the inaugural Canopy Program mentorship with artist Michael Berryhill. As an artist who organizes exhibitions, she continued her formal curatorial education and completed the 2022-2023 Node Center International Curatorial Program (Berlin, Germany). In 2022 Jennifer co-founded P2P Curatorial, a curatorial collective of artists based in Canada and the United States.



I use figuration as a way to explore human psychology, social expectations, and cultural evolution with a feminist perspective. I am uneasy about the proliferation of revisionist and ahistorical tendencies in contemporary culture and I employ storytelling to connect the past, present, and future. I use the portrait as a vehicle for inventing characters that are in conversation with age-old archetypes. I work in narrative cycles that I refer to as “story worlds”, sometimes simultaneously and much like a film-maker. These generative, and ongoing bodies of work inform each other while being individually connected to specific themes. 

My interest in community building, dialogue and collaboration through publishing and utilizing technology are expressed through my work with P2P and Vantage Art Projects which I see as a social extension of my studio practice. 





2021 – Nikkei Museum Vitrine, Burnaby, BC (April).

2014 – “The Healing Room”, Bank Street Art Centre, Sheffield, UK.

2012 – “The Aviary”, Quinary Art Projects, Vancouver BC (July). 

2010 – “The Sun, The Moon & The Stars”, Grace Gallery, Vancouver BC, Canada (September).



2024 – Flat Files Exhibition, Peep Space, Tarrytown, NT. (December – forthcoming)

2024 – If not a note, a chasm. (Group Show) Nepture in June, MAPSpace Port Chester, NY (June 1-22nd)

2024 – Gathered in the Stretching Now (Group Show), Heaven Gallery, Chicago. P2P Curatorial (March).

2023 – Elephant Mining (Group Show), Studio 9D, New York City, NY (December).

2023 – NADA Miami (Art Fair), with Paradise Palase. (December).

2022 – Cosmologic, (Group Show) Curiouser, Kansas City. P2P Curatorial (June).

2022 – Bailey House: Benefit Auction, New York (May) Link to Artsy

2022 – The Female Gaze (Group Show), Manifold Global, Pennsylvania (www.manifoldglobal.com) (March).

2021 – Stories (Group Show), Isadore and Dunn, Brooklyn, NY (Oct-Dec).

2021 – Markings (Group Show), Isadore and Dunn, Brooklyn, NY (July).

2021 – Invited artist The Drawing Exchange (@thedrawingexchange).

2021 – Shrine Gallery (Group Show), online project, Shrine Gallery, New York, NY.

2021 – Deanna Evan Projects, Flat Files, New York, NY (@deannaevansprojects).

2020 – World Series Pop Up, Flat Files, San Diego, CA (@worldseriessd).

2020 – GIFC Worldwide Hot Paper – Flat Files, Oslo, NO (@gifcworldwide).

2020 – New York City Crit Club Flat Files. New York, NY (@nyccritclubflatfiles).

2020 – Murmuración, printmaking installation organized by Andrea deBruijn and Heather J. A. Thomson. Group. SGCI PUERTOGRAFICO 2020, San Juan, Puerto Rico.

2019 – Friends and Family. Group. Daine Singer Gallery, Melbourne, Victoria AU (Nov 1 – Dec 20).

2019 – Platform Center, Winnipeg Man, Video screening evening of video work “The Liquid Gesture”.

2019 – Flat Rate Contemporary 4, Flat Files. Group. (Oct – Nov).

2017 – “Got it for Cheap“(Group Show). 23 works on paper travelling with this project: Macaulay Fine Art (MFA), Vancouver BC; Chart ArtFair, Copenhagen; The Hole, NYC; 0-0 LA, Los Angeles; Rod Bianco Gallery, Oslo, Norway; R/SF Projects, San Francisco, CA.

2013 – “The Human Animal” (Group Show). Gallery B, Cumberland, BC (September 2013).

2011 – “Give & Take” – (e)merge Artist Platform Series. Art Fair Invited Project Artist. Washington, DC (Sept. 22-25/11)

2009 – 10″x10″ – Gallery Atsui (Group Show). Vancouver BC, Canada (December).

2009 – “The Love Letter Show” (Group Show). Grace Gallery, Vancouver BC, Canada (February).

2009 – “Let Them Eat Cake” (Group Show). Gallery Atsui, Vancouver BC, Canada (February).


2021 – Vantage Art Projects, 2021-Q1 Editorial Release (online) – editor and editorial director.

2020 – Vantage Art Projects, 2020-Q4 Editorial Release (online) – editor and editorial director.

2017-2019 – Byron Aceman Collection – Book curation, editor and designer for private collection with essays commissioned by Doretta Lau and Lee Henderson.

2010 – “Lateral Learning” – Curated by Paul Butler with critical essays by Dr. Jeanne Randolph & Mark Clintberg (Editor & Publisher).



2014 – Bastion Development, Vancouver BC (Opsal Project)

2010 – Bastion Development, Vancouver BC (Pulse Project)

2009 – Bastion Development, Vancouver BC (Coast Project)

2009 – Bastion Development, Vancouver BC (Coast Project)

2007 – Bastion Development, Vancouver, BC (Corus Project)



2022 – present – Founding member of P2P Curatorial

2023 – Apexart Jury Member, reviewing open call curatorial submissions (March)

2022 – Apexart Jury Member, reviewing open call curatorial submissions (November)

2020-2022 – Director and editor, Vantage Art Projects online magazine and exhibitions (relaunched as VAP 2020)

2019-present – Board Advisor, The Contemporary Art Society of Vancouver (casv.ca)

2008-2020 – Collection manager for Byron Aceman private collection

2016-2019 – President and Board Chair, The Contemporary Art Society of Vancouver (casv.ca)

2013 – Fresh Picks Editions, co-curator. Back Gallery Project, Vancouver BC (November/December)

2008 – onwards – Co-Director Programming & Curatorial Projects, Vantage Art Projects

2009-2010- CODE Live, Vancouver 2010 Cultural Olympiad, Consultant (Communications & Docent Program)

2007 -2010 – Vice-President & Programming Chair, The Contemporary Art Society of Vancouver



2024 – Virtual studio visit with Paradice Palase, Brooklyn. (May)

2024 – Artist Talk for Gathered in the Stretching Now. Heaven Gallery, Chicago. (March)

2023 – Canopy Program mentorship w/Michael Berryhill (New York City Crit Club). James Bernard Haggarty Scholarship recipient. 

2022-2023 – International Curatorial Program, Node Center for Curatorial Studies. Berlin, Germany. 

2022 – Artist Talk for Cosmologic, Curiouser, Kansas City. P2P Curatorial. (June).

2022 – Artist Talk for The Female Gaze, Manifold Global, Pennsylvania (www.manifoldglobal.com) (March).

2022- Multidisciplinary masterclass residency w/Tai Shani and Florence Peake. Camp, Toulouse, France. Grant recipient. (July-August).

2022 – Artist Talk with Allison Moyers for The Female Gaze Exhibition at Manifold Global (12 April 2022).

2019-2022 – New York Crit Club & Independent Study Program. New York, USA.

2021- Anderson Ranch Painting Masterclass w/Elizabeth Glaessner, Snowmass, CO, USA.

2021 – Sound, Language and Position. Advanced Sound Workshop w/Antye Greie (aka AGF), CAMP FR.

2021 – Hide and Seek Painting with Vicky Wright, ESOP. London, UK.

2021 – Joseph Albers Interactions of Colours, 92Y w/Fritz Horstman, New York, USA.

2020-2021 – New Art School mentorship w/ Paul Becker (UK).

2020-2021 – Royal Drawing School, various courses, London, UK (May-June).

2018-2020 – Turps Banana correspondence painting program. London, UK.

2014 – Masters of Fine Art (Honours) – OCA/University for the Creative Arts, UK.

2007 – “Art Talk” w/Lucy Hogg – Emily Carr University of Art and Design. Vancouver, BC.

2007 – Gregory Heisler, Intensive Photography Masterclass Workshop, Vancouver BC.

2006 – Mary Ellen Mark, Intensive Photography Masterclass Workshop, Vancouver BC.

2005 – Fine Art Techniques Certificate – Emily Carr University of Art and Design. Vancouver, BC.



2021 – Arts in Square Magazine, Issue 1 (September).

2021 – Art Maze Magazine, Issue 22. Curated by Fabiola Alondra & Jane Harmon. Fortnight Institute, NYC.

2020 – Seductive Strangers in the paintings of Jennifer Mawby, Vantage Art Projects 2020-Q4, written by Hannah Antalek. (Nov. 20, 2020).

2020 – Jano Lapin Art Online, When art goes beyond the canvas (March 2, 2020).

2018 – Make8elieve Art Magazine , Issue 13 “Charts and Graphs” – digital drawings featured: “Factions Mixed on Urban Renewal” (2017), and “Triangulation Tactics” (2017) (featured artist).

2018 – 1340Art Magazine – digital drawing featured “Optimism Rebounds in Early Returns” (2017) (featured artist).

2014 – UK show for graduates of Europe’s first distance learning MA (pressat.com, November 11, 2014).

2011 – “(E)merge art fair adapts site’s form and function” by Philip Kennicott, The Washington Post (Sept. 23, 2011).

2012 – Quinary Art Projects presents a solo project with Jennifer Mawby, The Aviary Golden Brush Art (July 16, 2012).

2010 – “Straight Choices” 11th Annual SWARM Festival, The Georgia Straight (September 9-16, 2010, p. 52).

2010 – “Seeing More Than ‘Stars’ in Provocative Jennifer Mawby Exhibit at Vancouver’s Grace Gallery” by Paul Niemi on Uncle Paulie’s World.

2010 – Interview with Jennifer Mawby by Kari Barett – Grace-Gallery Tumblr.

2009 – “Vancouver Review” – Fall 2009 Issue (Featured Centrefold Artist).

2009 – “Stone Soup” Interview by Mike Landry – Things of Desire (blog) – (June 11).

2009 – “Stone Soup Preview” by Mia Weinberg, Preview The Gallery Guide, Vancouver BC – (June).

2009 – “Architecture for Humanity Art Auction at the Grace Gallery” The Georgia Straight (April 2/09).

2009 – “Let Them Eat Cake” by Jennifer Moss – Vancouver Sun, Vancouver BC – (Feb. 12).

2009 – “Vantage Art Projects” by Samantha Langton, ION Magazine – (# 54, Feb.).

2006 – Exhibition Review – The Peninsula News, Sidney BC – (Aug.2).

2006 – Hycroft Artist Talk Review – Metro News, Vancouver BC – (Jan.15).

2006 – “One Shot” – Published by Visual Codex, Portland ORE (Curated Artist).